
Beeznests Beeznests published by 1 year ago
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Cost: $0.00 - 0.00
Online: No
Closed At: 2024-01-20 08:00:00

Social Media Creation & Management


This project involves ongoing management of Arkaya’s social media presence on both Instagram and Facebook. The focus would be on the creation of content and posts that are engaging and educational in order to build awareness of Arkaya, and Arkaya founder Yogacharini Maitreyi, as a trusted source for wisdom and teachings on full-spectrum, decolonized Yoga & Tantra.


  • Designing/creating visually appealing posts on Canva or a design program equivalent

  • Scheduling regular posts and stories on Instagram and Facebook

Required Skills:

  • Design capability with Canva or another design program

  • Proficiency with Instagram and Facebook

Links for Reference:

Business skills

Arkaya also trains corporations in self and stress management programs. Programs under the umbrella of Enlightened Leadership, Communication etc are also facilitated

  1. Good business writing skills to coordinate with our corporate clients

  2. Being able to speak to the secretary or fix an appointment with the VP , CEo or HR is a bonus - Good spoken english


  1. Enthusiastic and pleasant

  2. Good listener

  3. Loves that they are interning with a not for profit who is empowering many to become their own healer. Want to understand more about decolonised, full spectrum Yoga and Tantra which are healing arts and sciences for self, relationships and community.

  4. Collaborative and communicative

  5. Respectful, kind, and lighthearted 

Work Ethic

  1. Show up on time

  2. Communicate before hand if not able to make it for a meeting 

  3. Communicate task deadlines and ask for guidance if getting delayed

  4. Keep the team leader updated rather than the mentor having to constantly follow up

  5. Someone who will take the time to learn and understand the business model we are using and then learn all of the online tools we are using and bring solutions and ideas on how we can best utilize them. This person would also be able to implement those ideas on our behalf.

Receivers List:
ID: 2443 receive at 2023-12-20 19:32:49
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ID: 2468 receive at 2023-12-20 19:58:38
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ID: 2508 receive at 2023-12-20 20:32:14
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ID: 2511 receive at 2023-12-20 21:16:50
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ID: 2524 receive at 2023-12-21 00:51:02
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ID: 2526 receive at 2023-12-21 02:52:33
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ID: 2486 receive at 2023-12-22 00:35:33
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