
Beeznests Beeznests published by 1 year ago
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Closed At: 2024-01-20 08:00:00

Corporate Connections


This project involves making connections with companies and decision makers who have the potential to become clients for Arkaya’s organizational/corporate solutions programs. 


  • Understanding the various Arkaya offerings and how they can be custom tailored to meet each client or organization’s needs

  • Attending networking events as a representative of Arkaya and making contacts who may be potential clients for Arkaya’s organizational solutions programs

  • Sending emails and making phone calls to establish and deepen relationships

  • Following up with contacts and introducing them to Maitreyi and Ross so that the relationship can be taken forward

Required Skills:

  • Willingness to get out and network at a variety of business events and meetups

  • Strong ability to maintain consistent contact with potential clients 

  • Relationship building skills

  • Decent English speaking ability is a benefit

Links for Reference:

Business skills

Arkaya also trains corporations in self and stress management programs. Programs under the umbrella of Enlightened Leadership, Communication etc are also facilitated

  1. Good business writing skills to coordinate with our corporate clients

  2. Being able to speak to the secretary or fix an appointment with the VP , CEo or HR is a bonus - Good spoken english


  1. Enthusiastic and pleasant

  2. Good listener

  3. Loves that they are interning with a not for profit who is empowering many to become their own healer. Want to understand more about decolonised, full spectrum Yoga and Tantra which are healing arts and sciences for self, relationships and community.

  4. Collaborative and communicative

  5. Respectful, kind, and lighthearted 

Work Ethic

  1. Show up on time

  2. Communicate before hand if not able to make it for a meeting 

  3. Communicate task deadlines and ask for guidance if getting delayed

  4. Keep the team leader updated rather than the mentor having to constantly follow up

  5. Someone who will take the time to learn and understand the business model we are using and then learn all of the online tools we are using and bring solutions and ideas on how we can best utilize them. This person would also be able to implement those ideas on our behalf.

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ID: 2524 receive at 2023-12-21 00:49:53
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ID: 2500 receive at 2024-01-06 17:17:36
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